Secondary Automation Alcohol and Spirits
Dash DPL

Our Dash DPL case packer is designed for large, flexible bags that are cased in a horizontal orientation.

Impellers or drop gates are used to drop the bags into a compression/loading section. The DPL uses a servo accumulation belt to build layers prior to feeding the impellers and to control shingling.
Consistent and reliable case packing requires an innovative and simple approach. Emerald integrates years of experience into every piece of equipment to provide rugged construction complemented with state-of-the-art technologies.
- Horizontal bag orientation
- Accommodates many different pack patterns
- Accommodates 10 – 50 lb bags
- Speeds up to 35 – 50 bags/min
- Ability to accumulate one layer during case transfers
- Ethernet communication
- Color HMI interface with graphic change over feature
- Open Frame Design for Ease of Inspection, Maintenance and Cleaning
- “No Tools” Change Over Feature
- Frame Mounted Emergency-Start/ Stop-Station
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- Washdown Options
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Alcohol & Spirts
- Bakery
- Beverage
- Cannabis
- Chemicals
- Cleaning Products
- Confectionary
- Construction
- Cosmetics
- Dairy
- Food
- Industrial
- Non-Food
- Pet Food
- Pharmaceuticals
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