Xpert™ Conveyor X-Ray Inspection System

Protect food safety and improve quality with the Thermo Scientific™ Xpert™ Conveyor X-Ray Inspection Systems.
These high performance vertical x-ray beam (top down) systems perform x-ray contaminant detection and product inspection for bags, boxes and other flat packages, quickly identifying contaminants and quality defects that other systems miss. Xpert Conveyor systems meet HACCP and retailer food safety and quality requirements, can be configured for any application or challenging factory environment, and include powerful software to eliminate false rejects.They can optionally be upgraded to meet IP69K washdown specifications.
- Detects a range of contaminants
- Verifies product integrity
Modular, reliable, robust design - High resolution and sensitivity detectors
- Suite of inspection algorithms for reliable detection and minimal false rejects
- High reliability X-ray sources with long life expectancies
- Food-safe materials in proximity to inspected products
- Modular, robust mechanical design
- Multiple apertures and X-ray powers
- Built-in, remote monitoring
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- Extended length in/out feed conveyors
- Reject mechanisms
- Single or dual reject bins
- Lockable system wheels
- Guiderails
- Barcode readers
- Low/med/high power X-ray sources
- Stainless steel IP65 rated air conditioner
- Radiation safety meter
- Advanced weight and virtual containment software
- Customized inspection software
- UL508 compliance (standard in North America)
- Spare parts kits
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- Food
- Beverage
- Bakery
- Confectionary
- Cosmetics
- Dairy
- Pet food
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