Drum Filling Machine

Used for bulk filling of 55-gallon drum filling, tote filling, and liquid filling of other palletized bulk sizes e.g. 25-gallon barrels, etc.

Can be configured to fill either by weight or volumetrically (or a combination of both). Available in chemical duty or food grade construction.
- Swivel Arm Remote Control Operation of all mechanical operations
- Stainless steel scale with remote located digital readout
- Integration of scale operation with filler PLC and controls
- Operator actuated powered roller conveyor over/on scale for drum pallet control
- Drum filler systems can be fitted with IFS supplied custom pump systems or fed by customer’s existing bulk supply system. This system eliminates the physical effort normally associated with 55-gallon drum handling
- Remote stainless steel NEMA 4x washdown capable PLC control panel is connected to the drum and tote filler by waterproof cable and allows operator access and control away from immediate filling area
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- Food-grade Construction
- Chemical duty construction
- Top or bottom filling
- Food
- Chemicals
- Cleaning products
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