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Head Office:

141 Reach Street Unit #5A
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1L3

Tel: 416-291-9229
Fax: 416-291-2906

Contact Page Form

MD Packaging Locations & Partners


Quebec and Atlantic Provinces

We are excited to work with Link Pack, in Quebec and Automate Atlantic in Atlantic Canada. Our goal is to provide distribution and outstanding service across Canada. Take a look at our map to see how far our network extends.


Our head office is located in beautiful Uxbridge!

If you are visiting us and need accommodations – we recommend The Piano Inn located in the heart of downtown Port Perry.

Our Team

Our dedicated team of packaging professionals provides outstanding information and support.

Our dedicated team of packaging professionals provides outstanding information and support. With over 250 years of combined experience in the packaging industry, there are few, if any, challenges that MD Packaging can’t solve. No other organization in Canada can bring to bear the collective knowledge in identifying a solution to your problems.

Stay Connected

Join our online community to share stories, experiences and advice with other members, and get involved in our online discussions.